Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024): Bhutan Journal of Animal Science

The BJAS Volume 8, Issue 1 features 13 papers, including both comprehensive research articles and a short technical communication. The topics addressed are diverse, primarily aimed at boosting national food and nutrition security. The focus is on enhancing the resilience of livestock production systems to ensure better access to healthy animal-based foods. This is achieved through advancements in animal nutrition, breeding and genetics, animal health, and climate-smart practices. The submitted articles underwent peer review and were published online through Open Journal Systems (OJS) to promote the dissemination of science-based knowledge, information, and experience in the field of animal science. Additionally, researchers are encouraged to present findings from previous interventions to assess their impact and derive lessons for ongoing and future programs. The journal from this issue is managed and published by the National Livestock Research Centre (NLRC), Bathpalathang, Bumthang, Bhutan.