Responses of local buffaloes to estrus synchronization and fixed timed artificial insemination in subtropical Bhutan
Buffaloes, estrus synchronization, fixed time AI, Nili RaviAbstract
The study evaluated four different hormonal synchronization and FTAI protocols on estus response and conception rate of local buffaloes under Samtse district. In total, 38 potential buffaloes were selected and divided into four groups. The animals of either primiparous or multiparous were randomly selected irrespective of parity, age, breed, milk yield and body weight due to small female population base. The protocols were evaluated in two different seasons; seasonal anestrus (March to April) and breeding season (September), 2018. The data were descriptively analyzed to deduce estrus and conception responses from synchronization and FTAI. The findings indicated that there was a marked difference in the conception rate using four different protocols. The conception rate of 30% in buffalo with the application of P3 protocol during the breeding season was found to be higher when compared to other protocols. It can be inferred that application of P3 protocol during breeding season in buffaloes is found to be promising. However, owing to disproportion of sample size bewteen treatment groups, the findings from current study may not be recommended for wider appliaction in the field. For future research, it is suggested to use appropriate sample size with standard estrus synchronization and FTAI protocolsin other buffalo rearing areas for better outcomes. The use of germplasm from superior dairy buffalo breeds like Nili Ravi and Murrah is also recommended to revive and improve the productivity of local or non-descript buffaloes in the country.

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