A preliminary finding on the effectiveness of fishways at Kurichhu dam in Bhutan


  • Changlu National Research and Development Centre for Riverine and Lake Fisheries, Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Haa, Bhutan.
  • Gopal Prasad Khanal National Research and Development Centre for Riverine and Lake Fisheries, Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Haa, Bhutan.
  • Sangay Norbu National Research and Development Centre for Riverine and Lake Fisheries, Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Haa, Bhutan.
  • Singye Tshering National Research and Development Centre for Riverine and Lake Fisheries, Department of Livestock, Ministry of Agriculture and Forests, Haa, Bhutan.


Fishway, size span, species diversity


Fishways are constructed at Kurichhu and Dagachhu hydropower projects to mitigate the impact of hydropower projects on migratory fishes. But none of the agencies has made attempts to evaluate the efficiency of the existing fishways until today. Thus, the study was undertaken to collect preliminary data on fish species diversity and size span that ascends through fishway of Kurichhu dam. Fish species composition and diversity varied among the sampling period. The preliminary findings recorded nine fish species within the vicinity of the project area, of which eight fish species irrespective of their sizes were found utilizing the fishway facility.






Short Communications
