Buffalo farming, herd size, household income, socio-cultural importanceAbstract
The study was aimed to assess the socio-economic importance of buffalo farming in Dorokha, Samtse, Lharini, Gumouney and Sipsoo gewogs under Samtse district. A total of 34 households were purposively sampled and surveyed using semi-structured questionnaire for the study. Data gathered were analyzed descriptively and multi regression analysis was applied. The study found out that the socio-cultural and economic importance of buffalo is declining in general, yet for those buffalo rearing households it still has some importance during marriages as dowry, inheritance to children, gaining access to social and financial services serving as surety or mortgage and serves as social status in the community. Economic contributions from buffalo are similar to neighboring regions with substantial contribution of 19.2% to the overall household income and 66.2% towards dairy income. Among the household assets, household size and number of household members with tertiary literacy level determines 25% of variance of buffalo herd size. Household size significantly affected the buffalo herd size. Majority of farmers (94.1%) attribute decline of buffalo population to fodder scarcity and non-availability of buffalo breeding bulls. With the current level of policy and technical support from the government, buffalo farming is doomed to decline further. Nonetheless, with appropriate and timely interventions particularly subsidy on breeding inputs and pasture development policy could perhaps revive and sustain the buffalo farming tradition.
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